Gray Death

The opioid – which looks like a concrete mix – is a highly potent combination of heroin, fentanyl (a synthetic opioid), cafentanil (whi ...

Gray Death

Opioid Abuse Leads to Heroin Use

Why is this happening? Among new heroin users, 75 percent report having abused prescription opioids before using heroin. (CDC) Heroin availability at ...

Opioid Abuse Leads to Heroin Use

Cocaine Addiction and Abuse

Crack cocaine is a potent drug that can cause addiction after only one hit. Thousands of people nationwide struggle with an addiction to this powerful ...

Cocaine Addiction and Abuse

Cocaine Addiction and Abuse

Cocaine is a white powdery substance that reacts with the body’s central nervous system, producing energy and euphoria. It is most commonly snorted, b ...

Cocaine Addiction and Abuse
Gray Death

The opioid – which looks like a concrete mix – is a highly potent combination of heroin, fentanyl (a synthetic opioid), cafentanil (whi...

Opioid Abuse Leads to Heroin Use

Why is this happening? Among new heroin users, 75 percent report having abused prescription opioids before using heroin. (CDC) Heroin availability at...

Cocaine Addiction and Abuse

Crack cocaine is a potent drug that can cause addiction after only one hit. Thousands of people nationwide struggle with an addiction to this powerful...

Cocaine Addiction and Abuse

Cocaine is a white powdery substance that reacts with the body’s central nervous system, producing energy and euphoria. It is most commonly snorted, b...