Career Guidance

Career Guidance

The focus of career guidance or career counseling is generally on issues such as career exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues.

Career Guidance

Confused or overwhelmed regarding a career path? We can help in 3 sessions!

The purpose of our innovative assessment program is to help those who are confused and overwhelmed with the multitude of vocational choices with which they are confronted.

We have designed a combination of specific assessment tools and interviewing techniques to assist young adults and those in transition to:

  • Identify their interests, values, aptitudes, and personality strengths
  • Determine current vocational opportunities
  • Generate a blueprint leading to a satisfying and rewarding career
  • Receive ongoing guidance and coaching until goals are met

We accomplish this in three distinct phases:

Phase I: A career-focused interview and a battery of specially designed comprehensive tests administered by our psychologist.

Phase II: Expert, in-depth interpretation of assessment results, recommendations for career development, and creation of an action plan.

Phase III: Follow-up counseling and coaching session focusing on implementation of the action plan.*

*Ongoing career guidance and coaching sessions available

About The Author

Dr. Banafsheh Pezeshk is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Med-Legal Psychology Evaluator specializing in disability evaluations, medical evaluations, Fit For Duty evaluations, treating traumas, addiction, mood disorders, and other mental health conditions and concerns.

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