Vocational Testing

Vocational Testing

[intense_content_box icon=”arrow-right” size=”2″ position=”topleft” animation=”bounce” border_radius=”20px”]We at I Dont Do Addictive Drugs offer a variety of integrated, comprehensive vocational testing.[/intense_content_box]

Career Guidance and Vocational Testing services are available at the I Dont Do Addictive Drugs They are specifically designed for the following individuals:

  • High school students considering college majors or career opportunities
  • College students preparing to enter the work force
  • People in career transition, and the recently unemployed.

We also offer specialized career guidance and programs for those with learning disabilities.

Focused interviewing and standardized testing with a vocational psychologist will allow our clients to have a greater awareness of their aptitudes, vocational interests and preferences, and interpersonal dynamics, as they may impact upon job performance and career satisfaction.

Individuals completing a career guidance program will become more informed and directed in their choice of a career. Our clients will be provided with these tools to help them achieve their objectives.

  • A career “action plan”
  • Awareness of effective job search and “networking” techniques
  • Preparation for job interviews
  • Printed self-help materials, internet links, and references for information on career and job search
  • Recommendations for appropriate training, educational and self-help options to facilitate career growth
  • Resume and cover letters as effective marketing tools
  • Ongoing counseling and coaching

About The Author

Dr. Banafsheh Pezeshk is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Med-Legal Psychology Evaluator specializing in disability evaluations, medical evaluations, Fit For Duty evaluations, treating traumas, addiction, mood disorders, and other mental health conditions and concerns.

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