Admissions Testing

Admissions Testing

[intense_content_box icon=”arrow-right” size=”2″ position=”topleft” animation=”bounce” border_radius=”20px”]Our tests and services are designed to help enable fair access to opportunities in education and employment.[/intense_content_box]

As a prerequisite to admission, many area independent schools require the results of specific cognitive, readiness, or achievement tests. This information provides data about the student’s strengths and weaknesses in areas that are important for academic achievement and allows the admission staff to determine the youngster’s potential for success at the school.

We have extensive experience working with schools and parents in a joint effort to help the student succeed academically. The following procedure is used to give parents as well as the admissions office the required information.

  • Parents are asked to complete a developmental history questionnaire that provides relevant information about their child’s physical, academic and social development.
  • Prior to testing, the psychologist makes certain that rapport is established with the child.
  • Following the evaluation the results are discussed with parents and, with their consent, the admissions officer.
  • Prompt written reports include specific information about the child’s abilities and suggestions for appropriate educational strategies.

About The Author

Dr. Banafsheh Pezeshk is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Med-Legal Psychology Evaluator specializing in disability evaluations, medical evaluations, Fit For Duty evaluations, treating traumas, addiction, mood disorders, and other mental health conditions and concerns.

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